New Year can be a trying time when you run a pharmacy business. Your staff may request time off, may be wanting to travel overseas or have family responsibilities they want to be able to fulfil. This can mean you are short staffed over the festive period. And of course demand for pharmacy services doesn’t stop during the holidays. In fact, these times of year can be particularly busy in pharmacies. If you need someone to help you find quality Pharmacists, Pharmacy Assistants, Retail Managers or Dispensary Technicians to be available over the holidays and into the New Year, then Locum Co can help. Bigger organisations, for example hospitals, can also find themselves short of staffed and with Pharmacist jobs left unfilled over the holidays, and it can be a great time to think about bringing on extra employees to start the year out with a full complement of staff. Locum Co can help you fill your vacant Pharmacist jobs fast, working to ensure the process is as smooth as possible. Because of extensive relationships and networks across the pharmaceuticals industry, and with a wealth of knowledge in the field, we will help you find a great match.
With our quality service and exceptional employees, there really is no need to look elsewhere for locum staff to fill your Pharmacist jobs. We know you will be satisfied with the contribution they make to your practice or service. However, every time you work with us, you can take pride in knowing that your support will benefit at risk communities around the world. We are closely involved with B1G1 Business for Good, meaning we directly assist public health, community development and capacity building initiatives in countries from Columbia to Cambodia. Around the world, B1G1 Business for Good provides projects to educate and empower children and young people growing up own poverty, through the provision of educational resources. Programs delivered by B1G1 teach vital life skills and enable individuals to be able to be empowered to take responsibility for their health. It’s not just about charity, but about establishing patterns which enable people to be able to learn and work. Other initiatives promote primary health, including the provision of access to clean drinking water, reproduction health services and the provision of medical supplies and pharmaceuticals to heal sick children. This means when you work with us you will not only see positive impact within your organisation as your Pharmacist jobs and vacancies are filled, you will know that you are contributing in a positive way to address global health issues and concerns.
Meet Our Team at Locum Co
The team at Locum Co have diverse skill sets and experience but they all share a passion for the provision of a quality service and a commitment to matching the right person to the right job. Pharmacist Sue Muller founded Locum Co after she recognised there was a gap in the market for the provision of specialist staffing solutions to pharmacies and surgeries. Generic recruitment agencies just didn’t seem to understand the complexities of the health industries, the needs of professionals when they are experiencing a staff shortage or how best to fill Pharmacist jobs. There are so many variables that can impact how well suited a Pharmacist or locum might be to working in any particular setting or community. Local cultural differences, clinical setting, and hours of operation make different people better suited to certain jobs. Sue knows that Pharmacists work in all sorts of settings, and will help you find the right person to fill your vacancies. She is really passionate about public health, hence her commitment to being involved in the B1G1 Business for Good initiative. As the recipient of the Telstra NSW Australian Government Micro Business Award in 2005, Sue has been recognised around the state for her commitment to enabling businesses to be able to provide quality health and pharmaceutical services. The other team members, Asa, Phiona, Mariana and Mathew, work with Sue to ensure that a consistent and top quality service is provided every time. They have a diverse skill set and portfolios in business, recruitment, retail and IT. The Locum Co team has skills, experience and commitment to customer service to match you with the right professional to take one of your Pharmacist jobs every time.