Highly skilled candidates
Over 35 years experience
Pharmacist owned

Give Access to Life-saving Water

Provide a Library Book

Deworm a Child

Educate a Disadvantaged Child

Protect a Colombian Child from Sexual Exploitation

Give Reproductive Health Awareness to Women
Give Access to Life-saving Water
Quench the thirst of people living in Tigray by giving them clean water that is absent of water-borne diseases for
Provide a Library Book
Provide a Khmer(Cambodian language) book for a Cambodian girl for a day. The books depict Cambodian village scenes and.
Deworm a Child
Improve a childs health by deworming

“We have been dealing with the LocumCo for several years sourcing both permanent and locum pharmacists for many pharmacies in our group. We have found the service to be fast, efficient and have had positive results. The team is friendly and helpful taking the hard work out of finding Pharmacists especially at short notice.” -- Tamara Diprose, Retail Co-ordinator
Chris, Locum Pharmacist
Carmela Scaffidi, Professional Services and Ethical Co-Ordinator
Vanetta Lees, Human Resources Department
Peter Carr, Pharmacist
Malcolm, Locum Pharmacist
Lawrence Nguyen, Managing Director
Ian Tauman, Director
Hannah Mann, Managing Partner, Pharmacist
Goran, Locum Pharmacist
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