How to Ace Your Online Video Job Interview

Interview tips final

As a consequence of Covid-19, LocumCo has noticed a dramatic increase in online job interviews.  These may well continue into the future especially when it comes to interviews for Intern positions in rural areas.

Here are some tips on how best to prepare for such an interview, how to succeed and what you should do post-interview.


  1. What hardware are you going to use?
    Choose the one you are most comfortable with and have the most reliable technology.
  1. What location will you choose for the interview?
    The ideal scenario for your interview location is a secluded room in which you can shut out distractions (and noises), control the lighting, and display a generic background. If possible choose a location in which you can be seen on camera from about the waist up.
  1. Test, test, test the technology
    Test your connection, test your camera, test your lighting, test your sound and test the video program. Make sure that you understand how everything works and then when comfortable that you are across it all, test one more time just before the interview.
  1. Can you call a friend?
    Try and schedule a trial interview with a friend or family member and ask them for constructive feedback on how you look and sound.
  1. What if there’s a stuff up?
    Always have a backup plan if something goes wrong on the day of the interview. You can always switch to a phone call if you have technology or network issues.
  1. Have you done your homework?
    Make sure you have done your research on the pharmacy, if they are part of a banner group or independent. What do they stand for?  Prepare some responses to expected interview questions and think of some questions you want to ask.  Plan the best and most appropriate outfit for the interview.


  1. Have you tested the equipment?
    Do a run-through prior to the scheduled interview
  1. What have you selected to wear?
    Remember don’t choose something too “out there”.
  1. Is your phone turned off?
    Remember to turn off all apps and programs that might interrupt the interview. Silence your phone.  Make sure you are seated and ready 10 minutes before the interview to collect your thoughts.
  1. Do you know what nonverbals are?
    Make solid eye contact and smile at appropriate times. Have good posture and even lean in a bit. You may be inclined to look at the monitor or yourself, but focus on making eye contact with the interviewer via the camera.
  1. Is it ok to have notes?
    Unlike face to face interviews, you can have some notes in front of you (off-camera) to remind you of the critical issues you want to highlight. Do not overuse them as this will become obvious.
  1. What should I be aware of when answering questions?
    When responding to questions from the interviewer, nod, but take a second before responding in case the connection causes a lag so you don’t end up talking over the interviewer.


  1. What should I do as a follow-up?
    Just like with other interviews, it is good practice to follow up with a thank you note to the interviewer.

If you have applied for the position through a recruitment agency, you can always contact them to check on the progress of your application.