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Job- 48159- Alice springs

Great opportunity to work as a locum for 6 weeks with Indigenous Health Program in Alice springs Dispensary. The position involves providing a clinical pharmacy service, including supply of medicines, to urban and remote sites.
This position is based in an Aboriginal Medical Clinic and relies heavily on team work both with your pharmacy team and other health professionals within the organisation.

Dates & Time:
Monday 3rd June - Sunday 14th July
* Monday - Friday except Wednesday 8.30am-5.30pm with an hour lunch break
* Wednesday: 9.30am -5.30pm with an hour lunch break
* Saturday 9.00am - 12.00pm – occasionally not every week

**Roster: Monday to Friday but may need to work on some weekends

Job Specifications:
Fred Disp, 160 scripts/day, 2 pharmacists plus 2 dispense technicians, No OTP, Rate- Mon-Fri $70/hr, Sat $75/hr, Sun $80/hr + super. Accommodation & Travel provided. car provided as well.

t: 1800 357 001 or DM Pushpa